Tour My Pakistan

The world we live in has faced wars, conflicts, and pandemics before also, but we are new to it as we have not faced any. In such an air of epidemic, every brain has a question about whether he/she can do something. The short answer is___Yes, and the long answer with examples is below.

The Little Angel

Hannah, a 5th grader child from Wildwood collected a sum of $2,400. She then bought 232 gift cards to distribute among the police officers who were to lose a portion of their pays due to the economic issues on account of the ongoing pandemic. The police department appreciated the little angel’s kindness. We can also encourage officials.

Service is Worship  

A taxi driver from Madrid has reserved his taxi for bringing corona patients to the hospital. He does not charge for this service, making his great kindness greater. On 20th of this month, a clinical staff of a hospital cheered him with applause and presented him an envelope of money to appreciate his efforts in such an hour of crisis.

Homeless people depend on you

Shirley Raines of Los Angeles with her team sets on every Saturday to distribute blankets, masks, oranges, and lemons (Vitamin C stuff) among the homeless people of the city. She also buys hundreds of burgers from McDonald’s every weak to provide a meal to the shelterless. She argues that her dedication keeps the homeless safe in such an air of epidemic.

Kindness Matters

People often make it tough for recovered patients to feel normal, but this is not humane. For instance, Paul Lee, 48, of Indianapolis defeated cancer and COVID-19 together. When he returned home after being hospitalized for three weeks, he was welcomed by his neighbors. Lee’s neighbors threw a parade for him. We can also encourage the recovered ones like that.

JDC’s Zafar Abbas

The General Secretary of Jafaria Disaster Management Cell (JDC) Zafar Abbas has won many hearts in the country by becoming a mega personality of distributing food in many parts of the metropolitan city of Karachi. The ultimate target of JDC is to provide basics to the wagers, who are unable to make both ends meet in such countrywide lockdown. You can cooperate with him by donating money or giving your services voluntarily.

Mosques into Supermarkets

Many mosques in Turkey have been converted into supermarkets. People come and leave the stuff which they have bought for deserving people. Those, who deserve, come, and take whatever they need from the mosques without any embarrassment. We can also use big mosques for such purposes.

Care Elderly

Rebecca Mehra’s tweet became viral after she tweeted about how she helped an elderly couple get groceries. She helped the couple as both of them in their 80s and terrified, as COVID-19 hits the aged ones more than the adults. Such an act of kindness costs nothing friends.


Do things for people. Not because of who they are, or what they do in return, but because of who you are.Harold S. Kushner

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